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Graduation 2020


It was quite exciting to have graduation after so long of a social isolation. The many weeks of planning leading up to graduation seemed to stretch, and as the days ticked by, the possibility of even having graduation seemed to sink lower and lower. But thankfully, despite all the state restrictions and precautions, graduation weekend still managed to be pulled together. A few things had changed though: masks had to be worn in buildings; we had to social distance; and we had a restricted number of attendees.

Things were difficult to deal with. We struggled against the urge to pull our face masks off and the urge to give all our friends, whom we had not seen in months, bear hugs. But regardless of it all, restrictions or not, we had plenty to be thankful for.

It’s not every day you get to graduate in a pandemic (though I certainly hope you will never have to). It gave us an opportunity to reflect on the past year, but with the restrictions, it also brought home to us the fact that the fence feels restraining, so long a you constantly look at where you can’t go. We well learned to enjoy ourselves by being thankful to God for what we did have rather than what we didn’t.

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) This command is an assurance that even the things which appear to be against us will work for our good. God would not bid us be thankful for that which would do us harm.” –Ministry of Healing 255.5

It’s easy see the problems when things go less than ideal. But within those times, how much more important does it become for us to trust God’s omnipotence and care over us? Yes, things don’t always go the way we want. But we can be assured that God knows and holds the future. Amid an uncertain world, we can be certain in our God’s love for us and His power to work things out for good.

Even if we had to graduate during a pandemic, it was still well worth it. If anything, it will most definitely be the most memorable graduation I ever attended. (I suppose it was my graduation, but still.)


Dylan Homan

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